Dr Linda Wright

Chief Executive
New Zealand Hydrogen Council

Throughout her 20-year career Linda has been at the forefront of driving innovation and change across the sustainability, solid waste and renewable energy sectors.

Linda has an extensive global network across the hydrogen value chain and understands intimately the value proposition for renewable hydrogen, and in New Zealand in particular. In 2016 Linda founded a private sector consortium to progress the delivery of hydrogen infrastructure, which supported by the Government, transitioned to become the New Zealand Hydrogen Association in 2018. Linda is the Chief Executive of the Association and is committed to delivering its objectives of facilitating the delivery of hydrogen solutions both domestically and for export.

Linda has been involved in progressing technical aspects of hydrogen production, storage, demand and end-use scenarios and she is currently developing strategic alliances with private sector entities to deliver a range of hydrogen projects across New Zealand. She is also engaged with international partners to advance the role that hydrogen can play in the transition to a low emission future and to position New Zealand at the forefront of the global hydrogen economy.