Jeremy is an international quality market innovator and creative problem solver. Engaging in industries at times of change. Joining Works Civil Construction shortly after New Zealand’s road construction and maintenance work became contestable, then moving on to the ACC during the privatisation of work place accident insurance. Attracted by the Bay of Plenty lifestyle in the early days of electricity mass market competition Jeremy joined Trustpower’s new retail business.
In his early days as the Pricing Manager Jeremy managed Trustpower’s retail margins and products through the first years of competition. He then moved into process improvement, cutting millions off Trustpower’s costs and helping Trustpower to the lowest service cost in the industry. At the centre of Trustpower’s first Telco products, the 2008 NZIM Business Challenge win, and CEO of Trustpower’s innovative subsidiary Hopsta, he is always on the lookout for difficult problems. Notably receiving an award for solving an innocentive (now Wazoku) problem. Jeremy now leads innovation initiatives within Mercury’s retail business, currently focusing on decarbonisation.