Downstream, New Zealand’s leading conference for the energy sector has been running for over 15 years. The event is attended widely across industry, who will gather 20-21 March for the first time in Christchurch.
Brought to you by Freeman and Brightstar, we give thanks to our foundation partners and the long-standing supporting organisations that have their part to play in keeping our energy industry informed and engaged.
Foundation partners are: Transpower, Commerce Commission, Electricity Authority, and Gas Industry Co.
Supporting organisations are: MEUG (Major Electricity Users' Group), Energy Resources Aotearoa, NZ Wind Energy Association, Energy Trusts NZ, ERANZ, GasNZ, Young Energy Professionals Network, BusinessNZ Energy Council, CEP (Carbon and Energy Professionals NZ), Mana Wāhine, ENA (Electricity Networks Aotearoa), Community Energy Network, and EEA.